Saturday, December 26, 2009

Rowland Heights, CA/What do you like?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: What do you mean? In what respect? I like to be healthy. I just had prostate cancer. I would like to be closer to my grandkids, my daughter and my son. They live in Portland. Well, I like to work on puzzles. I love Sudoku. You know Sudoku? I do one a day. Before, I used to do more a day. I used to do a lot of crossword puzzles but now I forget things. I'm 69, you know? But I should do crossword puzzles because there are two sides of the brain...the mathematical side and the language side.

Question: Where do you plan to be or be doing in 5 and then 10 years from now?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Los Angeles, CA (Del Rey)/Let's talk about 2010.

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: I don't know. Well, I leave next week to go to Salvador! My grandchildren are there. I go every year for Christmas. I like! Muy importante. I like to cook with my family. I like my dogs. I like it. Everything, I like it. I don't like the cold.

Question: What do you like?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Los Angeles, CA (Lincoln Heights)/What do you think is going to happen in 2012?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: I hope it gets better for the year 2012. That's just my opinion. I hope things get better by 2012. People have struggled this year. Well, when my mom was a little girl, they said the world was going to end. There would be a big disaster or a big earthquake, but who knows?

Well, I've noticed that people are more friendly now that we have a black president. Well, the president...well, I like him. I don't care what other people say. I like him and Michelle and the kids. Color doesn't bother me. I don't care if you're black, purple, long as you're nice.

Question: You're asking about 2012? Well, let's talk about 2010.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Los Angeles, CA (Del Rey)/Do you live near where you grew up? If so, why did you stay and if not, why did you move away?

12.9.09 del rey
© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: I grew up in San Diego til 14. Then I moved to LA. The reason why we moved here was for my dad's job. He repairs airplanes at Santa Monica Airport. The beginning--no I wasn't cool with it, but once I got here there was nothing I can do. Now, I'm OK right here. This is cool. I miss my family in San Diego. I got a lot of family out there.

I ask if he will be going home for Christmas.

No, I have to work but my mom and my brother are here. My aunts, cousins and uncles are in San Diego. Christmas will be my mom, my brother and I. It's good. It's good to take care of mom.

Question: What do you think is going to happen in 2012?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Los Angeles, CA (Downtown Arts District)/Do you have any tattoos and if not, why?

This Saturday, I went to the first of a series of planned quarterly open studio tours in the downtown arts district. It's always so interesting seeing where and how artists work and it was in a really interesting area of downtown, with coffee shops, huge warehouses, graffiti walls, artist studios, vintage stores etc. that I never knew of... I'll definitely be back for more exploring.

Meet Jeremy Quinn, an artist I met in the Rise Industries studio.

12.5.09 los angeles, downtown arts district
© Jasmin Chang 2009

I don't have any tattoos and the only reason is that I haven't thought of something that I want permanently on my body. Michelle, my wife, recently got a tattoo and seeing that one, I kind of want to just pick something and go with it, because it looks so good. The thing I used to want was a scarab beetle with wings, but I wanted to go to Egypt and find one carved in stone and I haven't been to Egypt, so that kind of died. The think I've currently been interested in is the spacecraft thing (Jeremy had shown me some prints that he had made recently using spacecraft images.) or something like that, maybe Pioneer.

Question: Do you live near where you grow up? If so, why did you stay and if not, why did you move away?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Los Angeles, CA (Getty Center)/How long will it be before we eliminate war and why do you think that?

The Getty Center gardens are definitely my favorite place to spend an afternoon in Los Angeles.

12.4.09 los angeles, getty museum
© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: I think it's never because war is inevitable. Someone is always going to be pissed off at someone else. There's always conflict in this country, never conflict resolution. Not in our lifetime.

Question: Do you have any tattoos and if not, why?

I ask him if he has any tattoos and he shows me his tattoo inspired by September 11, which says in Latin, "If you want peace, prepare for war."

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Chicago, Il (Irving Park Metra)/Where do you think people come from?

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: Well, you've asked the right person. I will give you an unexpected but long answer.

The creationists say we're made by God in one day or whatever. The evolutionists say we evolved from lower animals, but there's actually evidence that says we were modified by intelligences, alien intervention.

There's a guy, Lloyd Pye, who has done research on this. I'm not a UFO guy but I will say this: the universe has been around for 12 and half billion years, the earth has been around for 4 billion years. We're only 300 years into our technological age and we've been able to do all types of things. There are certainly other intelligences out there. Our plans when we go out there into the galaxies are to change planets and to find life on other planets. Why would we think they would do anything less? I tend to agree with him.

I think the creationists are wrong and I think the evolutionists are wrong. I believe that anthropoids that were not intelligent were here on earth. Other intelligences came and tweaked things on earth and were able to create human beings. They changed chemicals and genetics. We can do that. Give our medical people 1000 years. Think of what we've done in 50 years. They're going to be doing things way beyond. They'll be able to lengthen our lives, regrow limbs... Did the intelligences know that this was what they were going to create? [shrugs] Anthropoids are apes that are not human...chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobos, yetis, abominable snowmen--Lloyd includes those. He's certain they existed. Science has a tendency of ignoring things that it can't explain and doesn't want to explain. We're both extremely critical of scientists.

I'm an independent researcher. My friends are independent researchers. Part of it is speculation, but it's also based on things that we think science is ignoring. I started out just interested in how we got here. I've been studying it since I was about 20. It has tentacles that go everywhere-- ancient history, metaphysics, astronomy, astrology, geology... I read probably about 100 books a year. Never stop.

Question: How long will it be before we eliminate war and why do you think that?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chicago, IL (Lincoln Park)/If you knew you would die in a month, what kinds of things would you do?

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: All the things that I haven't been doing. That's what I would do.

First, I'm overweight. Now, when I see something that is bad for me, I try to not to eat it, but if I knew I was going to die, whatever I want to eat, I would. I won't do things that are bad, but it's a dangerous question, eh? What if you ask someone bad that question? I'm not a bad person. I would...just the things that I haven't done, like the example of food. I'm not gonna kill nobody. Maybe I'll die with a piece of chicken right here [motions to left hand] and a piece of ham right here [motions to right hand.] I'm going to die happy.

Question: Where do you think people come from?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Rockford, IL/What is your opinion of adoption for gay couples?

Welcome to my Rockford home for Thanksgiving! Flora is an exchange student from Nanking, China that my mom and Steve are hosting. She's here to study and apply for a masters degree to become a nurse anesthetist an American university.

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: It's a controversial topic. I think it's so weird because something--a topic like that-- will only come up in Western countries. In China, it would never least not right now. In China, if people are homosexual, they completely conceal themselves from the public. Even their close friends and families don't know.

Personally, I do not like this idea because from a psychological aspect, kids will get confused. Based on medical knowledge, childhood is very important, especially in learning sexual preference. I believe that kids will be greatly influenced by their gay parents. It seems like we forfeit their right to be a straight person, although until today, we don't have the medical studies to actually prove this, but I think it would be cruel to do that kind of medical study on innocent kids.

I can understand homosexual couples wanting to be married, wanting a family and kids but just like any controversial topic, they always claim that it is their right, but they are thinking mostly of their own happiness and joy, not of the child. I think it is selfish. I just don't want them to give their influence to kids.'s their decision, but when kids are raised in their family, then they will be taught to accept absolutely that it is natural.

I ask her to tell me more about the attitude toward homosexuality in China.

Most Chinese people are not that open to see homosexuality as in the states. All the family members will think it's a shame to their families. That's why they try to conceal it from the public. As far as I know, some people even get married and have children, but they have a close boyfriend or girlfriend. In China, at home, in the workplace, in college, no one will mention it because it's not a hot topic in China. I think only young and educated people, only those who study English, will discuss it in classes as they learn about controversial issues in America. If people dare tell others that they are homosexual, and if they have family, their family will shun them. Chinese parents always have high expectations on their children and to declare that you are a homosexual, absolutely it is a shame, based on Chinese culture.

I ask her why she thinks there is a difference in attitude towards homosexuality between the China and the United States.

American culture honors change. They welcome change and they are not as afraid of making mistakes. When it comes to progress, making mistakes is not a big deal and you can improve or just start over. Chinese culture is 5000 years old and in China, mistakes are terrible. You are taught from when you are little that even the smallest mistake is unnacceptable. At school, you learn to keep quiet because the more you talk, the more chances there are for you to make a mistake. It's a kind of psychological harm. Most Chinese people do not have that confidence because your parents, peers, teachers tell you 'you can't do that,' 'that's stupid,' 'it's just a daydream.' It's a culture of conformism; the government teaches us since we're young to be the same, not different. If you do something different, people will think what you are doing is something dangerous, and it will make people feel unsafe around you and they will teach you a lesson for that. That's why most Chinese people try to stay away from politics. Nowadays even thought it seems improved, that nothing as horrible as the Cultural Revolution will happen again, it is still better to take the safe road that your forefathers took.

Question: If you knew you would die in a month, what kinds of things would you do?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chicago, IL (Bus 66)/ What do you think the food you eat says about you?

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: It says a lot about your character and community. I don't like sweet stuff. I don't consider myself a sweet person. I like strong flavors and I think my personality is very strong too. Yes.

Question: What is your opinion of adoption for gay couples?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Los Angeles, CA (Miracle Mile)/Do you think that men and women have more equality in our generation than in the past and is it enough?

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: I can only speak for the American situation but for my generation versus my mother's generation, it seems to be more equal, but that's just my personal experience. But I think different levels of equality and inequality exist in the same time and region. (For there to be full equality,) it would take more self awareness for women. It's an agreement to have an equal status. I'm not that big of a fan of "feminism," in quotes, because I think a very specific social strata is attracted to it and it's offputting to other women.

Question: What do you think what you eat says about you?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Culver City, CA/What can we,as human beings living in the 21st century, do to make sure that future generations of chickens will not be so mistreated?

At the Three Apples exhibit, a celebration of 35 years of the cuteness, glory and sass that is Hello Kitty.

Fun fact: Officially, Hello Kitty weighs three apples...hence the name of the exhibit.

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: We actually just watched a video on chickens in our food science class! They seemed happy, but they should have activities to do instead of just having them as machines that produce eggs. They're animals. Instead of just having them for our benefit, we should treat them better. They should have a better life. People should go in and check often to see if they are being mistreated because there is still a lot of animal testing that happens.

Question: Do you think that men and women have more equality in our generation than in the past and is that enough? Will we ever be equal to men?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Los Angeles, CA (Del Rey)/How will you demonstrate love towards someone today?

The two guys have been traveling by walking, hitchhiking and taking the bus up and down the west coast from Portland to San Francisco to Los Angeles since the beginning of the summer.

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: When I go into the Jack in the Box right there to get a salad, I will lean over the counter, not for a kiss...that might be moving too fast...but to say thank you for the salad and I love you for the salad.

Question: What can we do, as human beings living in the 21st century, to make sure that future generations of chickens will not be so mistreated?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Los Angeles, CA (Playa del Rey)/What part, in your life, does the ocean play?

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: I would say very occasional inspiration. When I occasionally go to the ocean, I feel inspired...relaxed...mellow...contemplative...renewed..(nods) I've driven by it in the past couple of weeks, but I haven't really visited in months.

Question: How will you demonstrate love towards someone today?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Los Angeles, CA (Mar Vista)/How has the economy affected your life?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: My friends don't have jobs anymore, so I have to spot them whenever we go out.

Question: What part, in your life, does the ocean a California resident or a coastal resident?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Inglewood, CA/What would make today a good day for you?

For anyone that knows of my obsession with fake food, especially gigantic fake food, it's obvious why this entry exists. Seeing Randy's Donuts every morning on the way to work has been the highlight of many days. So finally, on the way to my last day of work, I decided to stop and buy a dozen donuts.

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: Business wise, of course if business is good today...the day before Halloween. Personally, that we all get along, everyone in the store. There are 14 people working here and most of them have been here for awhile.

This building has been Randy's Donuts since 1976. The building was built in 1952. There were 10 buildings like this and they were originally called the Big Donut Drive In. The original owner sold it to a man whose son was named Randy. There are four buildings like this left, but this one is the most famous cause we've been in movies. They're actually filming a movie here next week. It is about the end of the world, and they are going to have the donut roll off the top of the building.

My brother and I bought the store in 1978. I was living out in Ohio and I wanted to come back to California and my brother told me that this place was for sale. So, I came out here, worked here for a month, liked and and bought it with my brother. It's been 31 years.

Question: How has the economy affected your life? Have you continued on the same path or cut back?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
© Jasmin Chang 2009
Good morning, Randy's Donuts! Crumble donuts...AMAZING.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Inglewood, CA/What, more than anything, would you like to achieve in your life?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: I guess I would just like to be happy for everyday, to be grateful for everyday and not let the small stuff get you down.

Question: What would make today a good day for you?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Los Angeles, CA (Echo Park)/ How do you define love and where did it come from? What is the source of it?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: Definitely God given. I think people that know God love deeper. You can feel it more if you are connected with God. To define it? It's God. It's what God is. I think that's why we're here is to love. The more you love, the more you will have it in your heart and soul and the other person can feel it in their heart and soul. It's not even about religion. It's about souls and connections and when you connect really deeply with someone, then that's love. I know that when children bond with their mother, that's their first love. It teaches them to love. It's scary because for people that never bond with anyone, it's harder for them to love. Brandon and I connected immediately. We're best friends and we love hugs. Countries that don't teach touching and's so much easier for the people to be detached. I think people that love deeper are happier. It's almost like a domino effect.

Question: What, more than anything, would you like to achieve in your life?

Friday, October 23, 2009

US, Canada, UK/How does art affect your daily life? Does it?

(I photographed Suzanna in my neighborhood in Los Angeles, but it seemed strange to classify her in that location. For the past few months, she has traveled from London to Toronto to New York to Philadelphia to Jacksonville and finally to Los Angeles in the pursuit of developing her screenplay into a feature film.)

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: Art keeps me inspired When I see other people create, it fuels my creativity. As a creative, it keeps me creative. Art is an expression often of what is going on inside and sometimes words are not enough and then art allows us to communicate.

Question: How do you define love and where did it come from? What is the source of it?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Los Angeles, CA (Del Rey)/Does making art, make you happy?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: Of course! Of course art brings you happiness! In our head, we always imagine perfection, beautiful things and art makes it so that you can see it. It's real! It's not just in your imagination anymore. We as humans go so far away with our imagination. Art puts that in reality where you can enjoy it, especially in moments where you sit and have a fixation on something. It's always beautiful things. You never want to go to bad places with your imagination. Artists give you something beautiful, something green, with birds around, beautiful where your dreams come true.

Well, in art, I don't like art that has an insult to humanity, but anything that brings peace, love, harmony and life, I think everyone enjoys. Art affects your daily life when you don't throw anything beautiful away. You don't see a flower and kick and break it. You don't throw a big plastic bag over something that is beautiful if you are one that likes sensitive things, beautiful things. Yeah, I admire beautiful people, beautiful things. You cannot deny beauty. It's there. It's only for us to see. You can see beauty in a monkey, but other people just see a monkey. Beauty is all over but some people can see it. You just have to see it. Or what you have to do is knock on that door, let it out. Be open to beautiful things in life, or what you can say is oh, damn it, let me just finish my day. It's not a contract. You're day is not a contract. Enjoy your day. Live your day. Then you will see beauty.

I tell you one thing, with photographers--what I see can be a normal person, but what you see is an angel. I see the picture and think geez what a beautiful person. I mean, it's there, but until you see it in a picture and you say oh my God, it's beautiful. You could have just passed it by on the street, but when you see it in a photo, you see it's beauty.

Question: How does art affect your daily life? Does it?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hollywood, CA (Barnsdall Art Park)/How do you define true happiness?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: You've asked the wrong person. [laughs] I've been going through a rough time for awhile so...but I think it's something that comes from within, something that you create, like anything else.

Q: To be added soon...

L, thanks for such an amazing conversation. Unfortunately I got so wrapped up in it that I forgot to ask you for a question for the next person! I hope you do come visit this website and if you do, could you send me your question? You can email me at! Thanks!

Question: Does making art, make you happy?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Torrance, CA (Oktoberfest)/How long do you think it takes to drive around the island of Hawaii?

© Jasmin Chang 2009

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: I would guess seven hours. I've been up to Oahu three times. Last time I went was three years ago. It was for my sister and my graduation. We graduated at the same time. It took me five years and my sister four years. It was great--all my family was there.

(after I told her that she had the best outfit of all of Oktoberfest in my opinion)

Oh, thanks! It's authentic. Well I actually got it at Alpine Village, but they originally purchased it in Germany. My fiancee is a flight attendant and can get cheaper flights so we want to save up to go to Munich.

(I congratulate them and ask them how the proposal happened)

Her fiancee: I got down on one knee and asked! We were in a cave in Sequoia National Park and we were on a cave tour. We got to the last cave and I had already called ahead so they knew what was happening. It was funny because the tour was actually full of German tourists who had no idea what was going on.

Question: How do you define true happiness?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Malibu, CA (El Matador Beach)/Do you say prude or cheese when you take a picture?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: Cheese? I don't usually say anything, but if I had to choose between the two words, then cheese. You say cheese because saying it makes the ends of your mouth go up in a smile. Prude? Prude. Prude...that's weird. I've never heard that before. I guess it's something someone said once and then decided it was funny.

Question: I've always wanted to know how far it is around the islands of Hawaii. How long do you think it takes to drive around the island of Hawaii?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hollywood, CA/What smell do you find nasty, but interesting?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: Pussy.
Question: Do you say prude or cheese when you take a picture?

Monday, September 7, 2009

San Francisco, CA/What will you do today if tomorrow is the end of the word? Who will you like to spend the last day with?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: I would spend the day with my girlfriend...typical right? I've been with her for four years. I would want to see my family too.
Question: What smell do you find nasty but interesting?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Taoyuan, TW/Being Taiwanese and living in America, what are the main differences between America and Taiwan?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: Taiwanese people and American people have pretty different attitudes towards life. Taiwanese people are more focused. For example, they simply study and read until the test is over. They work hard until they are retired. They focus on finishing everything and then relaxing. Americans do both at the same time. They work and study, but they can relax and do things they like at the same time. Americans are more hospitable and passionate. Taiwanese people are better at saving money, but hmm..younger people aren't so good. Sometimes I feel like an old Taiwanese person!
Question: What will you do today if tomorrow is the end of the world? Who would you like to spend the last day with?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hengchun, TW/What changes would you want to make in your temperament/attitude?

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: As you grow older, of course you hope that your temperament improves. When you're young, you're much more rash, but as you get older, you are slower to act because you consider different perspectives--you consider other people's opinions before you act. Of course, it's different for everyone's personality. When you're my age, you learn not to overreact and count points, with kids or elderly people. Kids are young and don't understand yet. The elderly need their peace and quiet and they don't have too many years left.
Question: Being Taiwanese and living in America, what are the main differences between America and Taiwan?

On a separate but definitely important note...I wanted to show you the amazing food she was making. It was the most enormous and most perfectly pan fried green onion pancake I have ever had in my life- flaky and crispy on the surface and chewy and soft in the inside.

YUM. I love Taiwanese street vendors.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Taipei, TW/If you could change one aspect about yourself (physically, emotionally etc.) what would it be and why?

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: I guess it would be that I am too much of a perfectionist. I finish something and even if I do it well, there are still picky things that bother me when I look back that I really want to fix.
Question: What changes would you want to make in your temperament/attitude?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chicago, IL/Do you think that the people in this world can live in peace?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: Yes. Do you need more than that? Well, for peace to happen, people need to be conscious and aware. It's easy for emotions to get in the way which can lead to foolish actions but if people are more conscious and analyze actions and decisions then there will be less conflicts and arguments. It comes down to what's relevant and irrelevant and if you can keep that in mine then you can avoid a lot of conflict.
Question: If you could change one aspect about yourself (physically, emotionally etc.) what would it be and why?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Rockford, IL/If you could kill anyone that you wanted to and knew you could get away with it...would you and who would it be?

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: No. I would not kill anyone. No. It's not only me and the person who dies that suffers. Their family and my family would suffer, even though it's a different kind of sorrow. I used to go deer hunting but as my daughters grew up, they didn't want me even killing deer so I stopped.
Question: Do you think that the people in this world can live in peace?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Evanston, IL/What is your passion?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: I would say people and photographing them. My majors are photography and anthropology.
Question: If you could kill anyone that you wanted to and knew you could get away with it...would you and who would it be?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sawyer, MI (Warren Dunes State Park)/If you could live your life over knowing what you know now, would you change anything?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: I would have bought some Apple stock about twenty years ago. (Laughs) Actually I wouldn't really change anything major in my life. My husband is an archeologist so we've been to lots of places and had a really exciting life. We've gone to Istanbul a number of times and spent a year in France when my husband was in grad school. Recently though, I've gotten into family genealogy and I found out that my family came over in 1692 with the Virginia Company. Most people started comingin the 1800s, but my family was here really early. I think if I'd known that when I was younger, I would've puursued studying history more. I'm a historian--my passion is learning about the situation people are in and how they got there-- but when I was a student, the grad students were always kind of cocky and very sure of themselves and I was a bit more timid. If I had known that fact about my family, it would have made me more confident-- knowing that I, personally, had roots in this history.
I got into genealogy through my sister-in-law. She was telling me about it and I found a book in a used bookstore that recorded everyone in the Virginia Settlement and my ancestor was in it. He was listed as Captain and Adventurer Nathaniel. Apparently he also married a native American woman.The company eventually flopped and then changed some more when it was owned by the King and then you know it all fits into history in that sense.

What is your passion?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Jacksonville, FL/Where are you going to travel to when the first hurricane forms?

© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: UP! Not up to North Carolina, up to my mom's attic. She has a big fortress of a house that we call the castle. I would go up! My mom wouldn't go anywhere and I'd stay up there with her. The traffic is so bad going up north because there's one highway up from Florida and they evacuate the people in South Florida first so by the time it gets to us, the freeways are already crowded going up. It may be stubborn but that's what I would do. We'd go out the first day and get food and then just go up into the attic and watch the storm coverage. What people don't realize with hurricanes is that the water doesn't just come over the river or the ocean and flood your house. The wind causes the water to whip around to the back of your house. One year, we were at the house at 8:30 and it was fine, but by 8:35, the water was up to our calves!
I'm sure that was more than you asked for, but the short answer is, I'd go up!

If you could live your life over knowing what you know now, would you change anything?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Nashville, TN/What was the happiest thing you've done this week?

© Jasmin Chang 2009

Answer: I bought a new washer and dryer set for my wife. The ones we had were from the little league years, so we're trading those out and remodeling.
Question: Where are you going to travel to when the first hurricane forms?

What is the walking talk?

I love the unexpected conversations you stumble upon as you go along daily life. I'm that person who makes eye contact for just a little too long at the grocery store, crossing the street etc. Sometimes it ends in a smile exchanged, other times...awkwardly and every so often, there is that snippet of conversation that makes my day. The basic parts of a conversation are questions and answers. I wanted to facilitate a conversation between people who may not be in the same place and may never actually meet each other. So I started with the basics. I began the conversation by asking someone I met, someone that captures my attention, one question. Once the person answered my question, I asked them for a new question for me to ask the next person I approach. I will document each of these conversations by taking a photo of each person. I want to go from person to person, creating a link of questions and answers. In this way, I hope to create a guided invisible conversation between portraits, a conversation of questions and answers that I am not directly involved in, but that I make possible.

So I began by asking, "What was the happiest thing you did this week?"