© Jasmin Chang 2009
Question: If you could live your life over knowing what you know now, would you change anything?
Answer: UP! Not up to North Carolina, up to my mom's attic. She has a big fortress of a house that we call the castle. I would go up! My mom wouldn't go anywhere and I'd stay up there with her. The traffic is so bad going up north because there's one highway up from Florida and they evacuate the people in South Florida first so by the time it gets to us, the freeways are already crowded going up. It may be stubborn but that's what I would do. We'd go out the first day and get food and then just go up into the attic and watch the storm coverage. What people don't realize with hurricanes is that the water doesn't just come over the river or the ocean and flood your house. The wind causes the water to whip around to the back of your house. One year, we were at the house at 8:30 and it was fine, but by 8:35, the water was up to our calves!
I'm sure that was more than you asked for, but the short answer is, I'd go up!
Question: If you could live your life over knowing what you know now, would you change anything?
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