This is a very exciting post for me, because it has been a mighty long gap in the walking talk and I can't wait to get started again. Thanks to everyone who asked me what was going on with it, if I was still working on it, when they would see a new interview etc. Your encouragement seriously means a ton to me!
Last weekend, I visited photographer
Noe Montes in his studio, met his adorable kids and talked some ideas.

© Jasmin Chang 2011
Answer: I have...yes. So the answer is yes and I hope everybody does, actually, so eventually there won't be any separation, but yes, absolutely, it's not an issue at all.
How did you meet your wife?
We met in Mesa, at a community college, in a photography class.
What ethnicity is she?
She's American. She's from the Hudson Bay so she's very white, very American. She's from New Jersey and her family's been there for a long time.
What European country is she originally from?
Actually, I think she's Polish originally, but like I said, they've been here for a long time. Her father actually followed up on a family tree a little bit, so they found out they were related to Henry Hudson, or one of those guys, one of those explorers, but very, very far back and before that her mom's family was from the Netherlands, but like I said, they've been American for generations so they're more American than anything.
Question: Are you happy? If yes, why? If no, why?