Answer: Well, you've asked the right person. I will give you an unexpected but long answer.
The creationists say we're made by God in one day or whatever. The evolutionists say we evolved from lower animals, but there's actually evidence that says we were modified by intelligences, alien intervention.
There's a guy, Lloyd Pye, who has done research on this. I'm not a UFO guy but I will say this: the universe has been around for 12 and half billion years, the earth has been around for 4 billion years. We're only 300 years into our technological age and we've been able to do all types of things. There are certainly other intelligences out there. Our plans when we go out there into the galaxies are to change planets and to find life on other planets. Why would we think they would do anything less? I tend to agree with him.
I think the creationists are wrong and I think the evolutionists are wrong. I believe that anthropoids that were not intelligent were here on earth. Other intelligences came and tweaked things on earth and were able to create human beings. They changed chemicals and genetics. We can do that. Give our medical people 1000 years. Think of what we've done in 50 years. They're going to be doing things way beyond. They'll be able to lengthen our lives, regrow limbs... Did the intelligences know that this was what they were going to create? [shrugs] Anthropoids are apes that are not human...chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobos, yetis, abominable snowmen--Lloyd includes those. He's certain they existed. Science has a tendency of ignoring things that it can't explain and doesn't want to explain. We're both extremely critical of scientists.
I'm an independent researcher. My friends are independent researchers. Part of it is speculation, but it's also based on things that we think science is ignoring. I started out just interested in how we got here. I've been studying it since I was about 20. It has tentacles that go everywhere-- ancient history, metaphysics, astronomy, astrology, geology... I read probably about 100 books a year. Never stop.
Question: How long will it be before we eliminate war and why do you think that?
i love the look on his face in this photo. makes me happy.