© Jasmin Chang 2009
Answer: Of course! Of course art brings you happiness! In our head, we always imagine perfection, beautiful things and art makes it so that you can see it. It's real! It's not just in your imagination anymore. We as humans go so far away with our imagination. Art puts that in reality where you can enjoy it, especially in moments where you sit and have a fixation on something. It's always beautiful things. You never want to go to bad places with your imagination. Artists give you something beautiful, something green, with birds around, beautiful where your dreams come true.
Well, in art, I don't like art that has an insult to humanity, but anything that brings peace, love, harmony and life, I think everyone enjoys. Art affects your daily life when you don't throw anything beautiful away. You don't see a flower and kick and break it. You don't throw a big plastic bag over something that is beautiful if you are one that likes sensitive things, beautiful things. Yeah, I admire beautiful people, beautiful things. You cannot deny beauty. It's there. It's only for us to see. You can see beauty in a monkey, but other people just see a monkey. Beauty is all over but some people can see it. You just have to see it. Or what you have to do is knock on that door, let it out. Be open to beautiful things in life, or what you can say is oh, damn it, let me just finish my day. It's not a contract. You're day is not a contract. Enjoy your day. Live your day. Then you will see beauty.
I tell you one thing, with photographers--what I see can be a normal person, but what you see is an angel. I see the picture and think geez what a beautiful person. I mean, it's there, but until you see it in a picture and you say oh my God, it's beautiful. You could have just passed it by on the street, but when you see it in a photo, you see it's beauty.
Question: How does art affect your daily life? Does it?
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