Answer: I would have bought some Apple stock about twenty years ago. (Laughs) Actually I wouldn't really change anything major in my life. My husband is an archeologist so we've been to lots of places and had a really exciting life. We've gone to Istanbul a number of times and spent a year in France when my husband was in grad school. Recently though, I've gotten into family genealogy and I found out that my family came over in 1692 with the Virginia Company. Most people started comingin the 1800s, but my family was here really early. I think if I'd known that when I was younger, I would've puursued studying history more. I'm a historian--my passion is learning about the situation people are in and how they got there-- but when I was a student, the grad students were always kind of cocky and very sure of themselves and I was a bit more timid. If I had known that fact about my family, it would have made me more confident-- knowing that I, personally, had roots in this history.
I got into genealogy through my sister-in-law. She was telling me about it and I found a book in a used bookstore that recorded everyone in the Virginia Settlement and my ancestor was in it. He was listed as Captain and Adventurer Nathaniel. Apparently he also married a native American woman.The company eventually flopped and then changed some more when it was owned by the King and then you know it all fits into history in that sense.
Question: What is your passion?